Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting ready for baby

So, as many of you know, we are expecting our first baby on the 1st of April! We are very excited! I am almost 18 weeks pregnant, and, because someone asked me to, I am posting a few pictures.

This is my baby bump. Not much really going on there yet. I look more chubby than pregnant, I think, though Ben is quick to correct me on that.

Today we went to the doctor's office. We had an ultra sound, and everything is going well with our little baby. Two arms, two legs, developing normally, and right on track for April 1st! Here are a couple of the pictures we liked.

Baby in profile. About 7 ounces now, we got to watch him kick his legs a bit. So Cute!

And here's a baby footprint! This one is my favorite!

Unfortunately, we couldn't get a positive Boy or Girl, this kiddo must be shy( though I don't know where that would have come from) though the tech said she thought it is a BOY! We will be going back in 4 weeks, right before Thanksgiving, and then, baby permitting we will be sure that this baby is a boy and we can call him Jacob without any doubt!

In other news, I did finally get a job! I will be teaching preschool, about 25 hours a week, and hopefully we'll be able to save some money/pay of some debts before this baby makes his debut into the world!

1 comment:

Anita said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys! Enjoy the not-showing-much stage while you can. When it's your first you want to show early and don't. That changes with each one. I didn't HAVE to start wearing maternity pants with our first until I was nearly seven months along. I HAD to wear maternity clothes with the second when I was just barely four months along, and with the third I had no choice but to start wearing maternity pants when I was barely three months along. I put it off as long as I could by wearing big sweatshirts and not buttoning my pants, but that only lasts for so long before your pants just won't stay up anymore.