Monday, March 28, 2011

I finally did it!

So, every time I think about needing to post on our blog, I think, oh, I'll do it... On Saturday, because Saturday I don't have work. But it never got done. Then, as work drew to a close, I said, I'll do it when I'm not working, then I'll have time. Well, I quit my job almost a month ago, and today, with my nesting instinct setting in, I decided to do some things I might not get to any time soon, like cleaning the house and updating the blog! I hope to be better at writing when Jacob gets here!

I guess I should start with that. We did find out we are having a BOY, and his name is Jacob Payson Pistorius. As you can see, I am getting VERY pregnant! And Ben is still as skinny as ever! He is due on Thursday (yes, 3 days from today) and we are patiently anxiously awaiting his arrival. About a week ago I started having more contractions, rather frequent, and close together. I thought it was the real thing. But it wasn't, but he will be here soon enough (if his parents don't go crazy before then)! We are getting things ready for his arrival. I won't say we're almost ready, but its getting there! Not having done this before, I have no idea what I'm forgetting. But we are definitely ready to love this little boy!

Funny how life sneaks up on you. You're going along, being a kid, and suddenly, being an adult sneaks up on you, and you realize, "I've been married to the most amazing man for a year now, and any day there will be a completely helpless child entirely dependent on me for EVERYTHING! This is a crazy idea to me! Didn't I just grow up myself? Now I'm going to help someone else grow up? WOW! This is going to be our BIGGEST adventure yet!

In other news, Ben is still working for Arby's as the Assistant Manager. But he is looking for a different job, one with better hours, and more opportunity to advance. He is the Assistant ward mission leader in our ward, and would like to have more time to spend on his church calling. I have been called as the Secretary in our Primary. Life is super busy here!

Two weeks ago my sister, Amanda, came to visit us. She attempted to induce labor, but no such luck. But we were able to have some fun, we went out to the coast, and silly girls that we are, decided to walk on the beach barefoot! It was a bit chilly! But the sun came out! That was the only time it did while she was here, but we still had fun!

This week Ben's SIL Brooke came to help me get ready! She's been a super help! I am sure glad she came!