Saturday, December 19, 2009

First post

So, it seems we are trying to create this new blog, and it isn't working so well. I thought maybe if we have a post in here that it might make things a little bit better. We will see if this happens

1 comment:

kura2025 said...

Very first comment! Woot.

I found my template here:

I searched through the categories on the left but couldn't find the one I used but I know it's in there somewhere. They also have instructions for putting it into your blog but the basically:

once you've found the one you want hit "more details, copy the entire code, in your dashboard go to "layout", click on "edit html", and then (after deleting out anything that's already in there) paste the entire code into the "edit template" box, and then "save template". A couple of templates I tried from this site didn't go through so if the first one doesn't work, try try again.

I've bookmarked you on my site so I'll keep checking in!